Monday, October 22, 2012

You Did Not Wait For Me (The willow with the lily)

I did not wait for you
By the lilies,
By the weeds
By the bend and
The willow tree
Where switches
Swim in shallows,
Lance spring pools
Full of tadpoles -
Where the air
Is saccharine sweet.

I did not wait for you
As you did
Not wait for me.
When the pond was
First rimmed with rime
As winter was born
In the carpet of icy leaves.

An' by the bend
Of this listless bridge
Upon now which windows
Perch so I might see,
I ran my thumb
To clear wet flakes from
The rivers which run beneath.

Yet with the sun
Summer comes
As the earth spins in place.
The seasons change,
And while crowns remain
In their lofty place
And lilies ring old ponds -
The evening wind still whispers
When the dusk sun blisters
The horizon with it's red adieu'
You did not wait for me.

And so I did not wait for you.

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Copper ( Salt and thread)

I dream
Of little things
The copper of your cheek,
The light hung and rippling
Through the boughs of trees.
The not quite dimples -
Creases, at the edge of lips
When you shrug, eyes knotted
And face all bunched up,
Or you laugh
Or you sing.

Strange cities
With white walls,
The ruins of ampatheatres
The veins of marble halls.
Your hand sliding slowly
As you walk by -
Your feet printing crypt dust,
Oiling ancient fresco and relief
With that elemental palm.
You are copper,
You are salt.

I dream
Of undone things
The threads once woven
On some quick fragile loom,
A tapestry which hangs high
On the cold stone of a room
Crimson and copper-
Spilled blood and dull coin,
The rancorous echo empty halls
The unraveling of fifes,
You single fray,
You single thread.

Once pulled leaves lands sundered
And me to dream of little undone things,
My subconscious rooted firmly
In the catacombs of the long and dead.

Friday, August 3, 2012

Simple Words, Missing Things (Gone unheard)

Simple words.
They stick in my throat
Tied in my tongue
Sewn in my skin
As fingers dance ballet
Down the curves
Of hips and cheeks,
Half escape, half retreat
Part my lips
In croaks and creaks.

The simple words,
Sometimes, become
The ones we can't speak.

Missing things,
The pieces that we gave away
Linger in thought
The infected cuts
Where we were rent in twain.
The fits and starts
The kicks and sparks,
Belts whining, gears grinding
Out the dirge
Of a high mileage heart.

The missing things,
Maybe, the very
Pieces we know we need.

The simple words,
Missing - the heart's
Mechanization gone unheard.

Friday, June 15, 2012

The Midtown Creep (Whole foods and crepes)

The Midtown creep,
Detroit -
After someone spilled bleach.
All the dapper gentlemen,
That pour from the portal
Down by Wayne State;
A time rift to the eighties.
With all their neon v-necks
And stone washed jeans.
Painting black and white
Lines in the street.
"We'll" take back the city
Whether we mean to or not.
Midtown grows, block by block
Whole Foods and crepes,
College kids in costumes and capes;
This is not the city I love.
We came for the communities,
The renaissance and opportunities.
Well, those cass corridor bonfires
Where we found our continuity -
Made plans and plots in the silence
Between the pops of gun shots
Have become Haute parties for
All the kids on Safari from Royal Oak.
Hey, now all my neighbors
Look just like me - in skinny jeans.
I'm sorry, we were naive.
Young idealists who'd believed
The city had escaped it's past;
The day someone said nigger
To me on Woodward I knew;
Every step we take forward,
We're taking two steps back.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

I Said, I Thought (Or something in-between

I was never free,
I said, I thought,
Or something in-between. 
As I watched his dignity
Slither down his brow
And his cheek, his knees,
To lie puddled about his feet.
Outside Sala Thai, smoking,
I saw him stroke her hair;
She was delicate, pretty,
Like a stone nymph carved
Into some pagan cliff -
Gorgeous and "just kind of there".

Here we have a man in love,
Pulled into his nicest pants,
Sears dress shirt clinging
With June sweat to his back.
His eyes pleading, to her,
Or to pride; screaming
And on the verge of tears,
Here we have a man in love -
Facing his greatest fear.

Bonfires, I thought,
Between puffs and breaths;
We light them, I think,
Without thought to fuel
And their eventual death.
So caught up in the flames,
The primordial dance,
We build not homes, but
Tinder ringed by rocks.

Here we have a man undone.
Pitiful in his tears, naked for me
To see. If I was a better man
I'd turn my head, but I'm not -
And neither is she, like the oceans
breach, both simple and shallow
I can see the disgust in her pity -
But also like the oceans,
Unfathomable and deep;
There's something in her hips,
Their tilt and cut I can see,
But like an illiterate with words -
I just can't read.
I said, or I thought,
Or something in-between,
I was never free.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Carriage Lights (Down Dark Alleys)

Transient and temporary
The flicker, it fades
With carriage lights down dark alleys.
Puddles pool in muddy mirrors and
As that cold man is carried away
My face is reflected dirty and grave.

Oh, who does the clatter of cobbles
Sing to, this midnight noon?
The mournful steps of shod hooves
Clicking like the gears of
That grinding wheel of time told?
I have not grown, but been whittled old.

Like those great oak trees, come autumn
Shed their crowns as falling leaves,
My once royal brow feels barren;
Robbed by the teeth of winter
Of youth, the noble vitality and pride
Which separates peasants from kings.

Her name, and her name, spoken on
The drops of rain that sputter my muddy
Reflection brown and black - The bells
And chimes of seconds withering, dying;
The clarion call that what's time has come
Cannot be undone nor brought back.

Thursday, April 5, 2012

366/365 (The uneven years)

send flowers?
for the grave
or the girl.
i remember
strange stars
wire, twalls
lost as hell.
and as hot
summer came
before snow
could melt.
they say
given time
every thing
fades away.
well, 366
how long
should i wait.
they say
every thing
is temporary
to get through
a bad day.
that's what
i say
when i know
some one
i love
will soon
slip away.
how long
do i wait

Thursday, March 29, 2012

The Virgin Stirs (In apollo's dust)

The virgin stirs
In Apollo's dust
Scattered across the breadth
Of that gloaming stripe
Indigo, russet, copper and gold;
I'm their youth divine
By reckoning of men eternal, old.

Celeste, strung out
Among the eaves
Her hand soft through willow and oak
Brittle gold green leaves
Plucked by ghostly fickle fingers;
Like little ships sinking
Across the deepening horizon.

Mirror still waters
Vanity of stars
Collect the wrecks of little oak ships
Where they drift
In my fire's promethean flicker-
The prophecy of tea
Says she's not looking down on me.

Apollo's dark descent
Beneath earthen crest
Speaks of bodies drifting apart;
Every warm sun
Someone else's cold silver star -
Immortal constellations
Move in patterns as mortal hearts.

The virgin stirs
In Apollo's dust
How distant they now seem to be
Across the seraph's sea
Parted by departed day and memorial night,
Yet still they unite
If only by glimpse of familiar, distant light.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

It's The Dying (Ignominious ends)

It's not what's dead.
It's the dying
That holds the dread.
The bonfire
Flickering shadow's,
Ghosts of ferocity -
What value
Does anything posses
When what is precious
Meets such an
Ignominious end.

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Insubstantial (Every golden moment gilded)

She's the shadow
Cast by the glory
Of sunny days,
The dark crease
In the corner
Of smiling lips.
The weight of
Memories from a
Lost, heavy crown.
Every new lover,
Her essence in
Their silver scent.
Every golden
Moment gilded
In her absence.
This beautiful life-
Everything it is
Is what it could be,
Is a ramshackle mansion
Threadbare and barren;
As I look over
My shoulder
To share the moment
With her ghost.

Saturday, February 4, 2012

Love (We both know i never should have came)

The sound of thunder
Clapping out the applause
Of a forest falling
Felled by south winds.
Where was I going
In the woods
On such a day
As the sunlight
Dappled the floor gray,
Still and warm
As the eve began to fade?

To her home
Beyond the treeline
And the river's clover banks,
I carried with me chains
And weights,
For when I'd try to run away.
I've never been
A loving man
I'm afraid I
Have to say.
But even nature is not rigid,
The seasons of men must
Too and so change.

Oh, the south wind
Carrying over the far plains
It cut down stormy swaths
Beneath that crown
Of white on gray;
Ancient oaks topple,
Weedy willows uproot-
Serenity quickly
Become fury
As I struggled
Forth to you.
With all the wind whirling
My chains heavy and

I made my way down
Those emerald banks,
Surreal and glowing
In the fading light.
Into the river,
Seeking shelter from
The trembling forest round,
But I had not thought,
That chains and
Weights enough to
Keep me with you,
Would be so heavy
That I would drown.

At your door, the frame
Of your body silhouetted
In the last russet rays
Of a gentle summer day;
Waiting for me, love,
We both know I
Never should have came.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Somedays (Go down in flames)

I saw her today,
Walking into the
Majestic Cafe'.
Holding his hand,
That poor excuse
For a man.
Who would let her
Do those dirty things
Chasing after dollars.

Sometimes the world,
It makes me wonder.
Why everyone's so
Goddamn broken.
But mirrors keep
Me grounded,
Hypocrite reflections
In webbed silver.
I hope things get better.

It's hard
To be doing well,
Watching loved ones
Looking to suffer;
Some days I want
To go down in
Flames with you.

But there's always
That ghost, in mirrors
Lakes and window panes;
Telling me to keep
On with the path,
Not to give up faith.

But somedays
I want to.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Supposed (I dreamt of ___)

I dreamt of her last night.
Her, being you.
You being, her.
We walked along sandy beaches
And you were fat,
Freckles on your toffee skin
Like cigarette butts in the sand.
Your friend, some yappity
Valley girl- the kind who works
At Del Taco and flirts with the
Manager because it's good for
Her Career - walked beside us
Parroting the names of your
Latest men, those that replaced me,
Always circling in close proximity.
I thought you looked thick with
Demands you'd placed on yourself,
Ideas of who and what and where
Making your skin thick and sallow.
You were not lustrous beneath the
Western sky, not nearly as lovely
As you'd looked in the airport -
The day we parted, said goodbye.

The day I went off to war
And you walked out of my life.

I still loved you, even without beauty,
As we spoke in crooked words.
I still wanted you, even though desire
No longer subtly lingered in slight curves.
To wrap you in my heavy arms,
Head pressed into the clammy flesh
Of your neck, feeling for heartbeats
Reaching between our bodies as
They did those rosy winter nights.
We said awkward things, I suppose
Wondering what could have been,
Always muting the muttering of your friend.
I said in words which have always been the
Truth, "It doesn't matter how or why,
Just know that I've always loved you".
My words though, are always quite contrite
And you seem to take my sorrow
As obstinance, always looking for a fight.
It's a normal thing, I suppose, to not
Understand what it is to be loved -
When the only way you see yourself
Is through the drunken eyes of a lush.
I wonder why I moved so far west,
From my city, from my supposed home -
It's a dream so there are no reasons,
Other than to be with you and roam
These beaches, speak these words
That my mind still holds.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Don't Love Me (Temporary)

Don't love me.
Don't love me don't love me don't love me.
Please baby,
Don't love dust in the wind,
Because I don't want
To break a heart again.
I'm so flighty,
We know it's got to be
Me creeping out of your big house
When the sun stains the sky -
Always with some place to be
Someone more important to see;
While I leave I know you think,
Laying covered in elegant silk sheets,
With that slender alabaster body
I'm a man with fucked up priorities.
What can I say? I'm a working man -
Who doesn't do well with idle hands,
Because even if they're exploring
The reaches and breaches of your
Beautiful body, tying golden hair in
Lovers knots, holding down a body in riot;
They're already looking to move on.
Don't love me,
Love is one thing I don't need.
Because you can't see,
Blinded by passion, or whatever,
I'll never make you happy.
Go find some lawyer whose
Cut well in his suit and tie.
Not a glorified dope boy,
Just waiting to fly away.
Don't love me don't love me.
Love the rocks, love the sea -
I'm a fleeting thing;
Transient, temporary.

Monday, January 16, 2012

No Time For Poems (Picking locks)

Today I don't have time
To write poems.
I've been more concerned
With picking locks
Than writing rhymes,
Pouring out my ragged mind
In beat up lines.
I'm running the streets,
Hitting my hustle -
But I've got to say
I'm making bank;
Squeezing blood from rocks
Not flowing free down
Detroit's streets all tangled up
In the lyrical knots of hip-hop.
Nowhere to go, nothing to do
But bind my time in thoughts
Of whiskey bottles and you.
I spit, I stumble, find my feet
But I don't mumble, I don't stop.
I almost made a G today,
And yeah, I made it in a sleazy way.
That's ok, because I'm still a poet
Running game instead of sonnets.
Give me a mission and I'm on it,
All I need is a pen or a drill bit-
What's ever stopped me but me?
Not a goddamn thing.

Friday, January 13, 2012

Never Even Took Off My Combat Boots (The call)

Got the call.
Time to see you friend.
We've spent too
Many months apart,
While I stitched together
This ruined heart.
The city you love,
She'll still be here
Next year -
At least you have faith now
In things that don't leave,
A lesson hard to learn,
Still, some nights,
Hard to believe.
You know now to keep
Your trust boxed inside
And knives on your sleeve.
Terminals await, and planes
To carry you away
Over Europe, the lights of Rome;
I wonder if someday,
The glitter of eurasian night
Will feel more like home.

Monday, January 9, 2012

Learn Your Cue (Smile when you need to puke)

You'd better take drugs -
The one you love
Has become plastic;
Don't be afraid
Don't pretend -
Hey buddy, what the fuck
You'd better learn
To blow well in the wind.
Well mannequins and models
They're both the same things
So don't go bleeding
Your romanticism on the clothes.
The designers expect them back.
Love the look of girls under glass
Show me lust
Show me love
Show me pride
Show me mom just died
Hit the mark
Know your cue
You might be cute enough
Maybe I can sell you too.
You'd better take drugs,
The one you love
Looks good under glass
Not quite good enough -
But a prime piece of ass;
This is where I smile.
This is where I smile.
Try to remember to smile
And not vomit on his shoes;
It'd be bad for her "career".
Looking through the lens
Into the industry, we're selling
Beauty as a commodity.
Refined, reformed, injection molded
Learn to speak every word in italics,
Make sure not a letter is bold -
We don't aim to offend or think we
Just snort, swallow and drink.
Learn to pose,
Don't let them know.
Hit your mark,
Know your cue -
Learn to smile when you need to puke.

Explaining Women (To a model)

All women have something beautiful about them - all of them.
Some women are more physically attractive, objectively
In certain ways we are programmed to be attracted to
But that's worthless really
And other women find that beautiful thing about them, and that is worth something
When they find it they're like a firework in the sky, exploding with sparks
I mean, I've had some of the most beautiful women I've ever seen
And they were meh compared to others
Who were less "attractive"
A truly beautiful woman is a muse
She makes you want to create, she inspires, she makes you want to be more
That's rare
Pretty girls are a dime a dozen
Not even intelligence, really, though that is nice
I think it's that Promethean Flame
There's FIRE in some women
They don't look pretty
They Smolder
They're not cute
They're alluring
It's nothing physical
It's not the curve of their hips
It's how their hips exist, aligned with their hands, and eyes and mind
It's the way they can make your heart beat the syllables of their name
That's a beautiful woman
I get the dress up
The wanting to feel pretty
That's worthless to me though
A truly beautiful woman will make you want her because she is beautiful
You will not think she is beautiful because you want her
The world needs less models, any woman can model
A mannequin is a model
It desperately needs more muses though

[To a friend when we were discussing her upcoming shoot]

Friday, January 6, 2012

I Didn't Drink Today (Words to keep the wolves at bay)

I didn't drink today.
I wrote poems on the curves
Of that delicate body of hers;
That I will never touch
In liquor lust.
Today I was a man,
Not the wolf.
I wish I could agree
That time heals all wounds,
But I've got granite
In my eyes that just can't agree -
A hole in my back
That still bleeds,
And fingertips
That still weep
At the way I spell
That name now
With two C's.
Most men die
More than once in their life.
We crawl out of the graves
Where we're ignobly laid
Learn with what less we
We must now survive.
So I fill my hollow breast
With ink and paint,
Paper pulp and honest sweat;
The words "From here men
stake claims and surrender
to the heart's first debt" inked
By distressed hands
To the nape of her neck
Running down to caress
The parchment of her breasts.
The absence of lust apparent
In the passion of inspiration -
No words have ever been bound
In so beautiful of a book.
Would that I could
Have left without loss
Before she fled,
Bearing away that which is vital,
That which lets hearts beat
That which lets hands trust
But -
A man can not live
So hollow and haunted
And must be filled in;
For those who remain hollow
Will drift away with
The most aimless of winds.
So I write epitaphs,
Funeral rites and prayers
Of morning and rebirth
On beautiful things
Hoping one day, perhaps
After another death -
They will anchor me to verdant earth,
The memories of silk screened skin
And eyes stained by grave girt.
I didn't drink today,
In hopes the written words
Will keep the wolf at bay.
Because I see my
Next death in his eyes,
My blood on his muzzle -
If I am to ever be slain
And reborn again,
I'd have it be by graceful
Words written on my muses skin;
In art, passion and beauty -
Not green glass bottles
Or rampant half remembered beds
Both reeking of whiskey.

Thursday, January 5, 2012

What Is Warm (Should at times be cold)

The detroit sky spilling january birds
Above the broken windows of sullen
Buildings. Morning lights, The Lodge's
Downtown coke bottle curves - glittering
On in the murky dawn as solemn men
Sip coffee and make their way to work.
The city sleeps, the wintery creep
Of frost on windows has bound men
Behind their thoughts and pains.

I walk the streets alone through the
Summer's thronged memories of
Greektown ghosts. The buskers,
Street aritsts, rikshaws and hustlers
Wait out the season's barren time,
And I wonder, alone on Beaubien,
Drinking in the igniting neon signs,
Why birds still haunt the frigid sky
Instead of departing to warmer climes.

If I had wings this is still where I'd be,
Sitting in harmonie park scribbling
Poems in my lyrical ledgers. At Hart
Plaza reading old love letters to the
Slow blue flicker of dawn on the river.
A man awake in a comatose city with
Only my reflection to keep company.
Because I believe in the seasons of souls
And what is warm, should at times be cold.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Sad Dreams (Fade away)

Sad dreams,
Winter mornings
It's not hard to figure
Out the meaning.
That knot
Still tied tight
Inside of me.
But I'm awake -
I'm awake
And I'm thankful
At least for that.
It lingers, Eliot knew
In time it malingers.
Memories aren't meant
To be the currency
Of dreams,
Life's not a two way street,
Give me imagination
In restful sleep
Not dreams of mermaids,
Not Pacific girls
Combing waves
White and black.
The boys of summer
Are gone back to
The Hamptons, Camden -
Wherever they come from
And it's still strong
But you can't look back;
There's just empty
Roads running from
Detroit to Toledo -
Littered with
Bottles, tires and ghosts.
Given time, a man must pray
Phantoms and memories
Leave the living be,
And if they must haunt,
Haunt only dreams
Because at least
They fade away.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Never Post Quotes (Until now)

All men fear death. It's a natural fear that consumes us all. We fear death because we feel that we haven't loved well enough or loved at all, which ultimately are one and the same. However, when you make love with a truly great woman, one that deserves the utmost respect in this world and one that makes you feel truly powerful, that fear of death completely disappears. Because when you are sharing your body and heart with a great woman the world fades away. You two are the only ones in the entire universe. You conquer what most lesser men have never conquered before, you have conquered a great woman's heart, the most vulnerable thing she can offer to another. Death no longer lingers in the mind. Fear no longer clouds your heart. Only passion for living, and for loving, become your sole reality. This is no easy task for it takes insurmountable courage. But remember this, for that moment when you are making love with a woman of true greatness you will feel immortal. - Earnest Hemingway.

This. I've been trying to figure out how to say this.

Time (Knee to lung deep)

You shameless river.
Swept me up
In your current
Like a child
Drowning in a man.
Who was I?
With raw nerve
And arrogant eyes
To stare into an abyss
And insist it turn away.
The city sleeps
On new years day,
Save smoke pouring
Like rolling ghosts
Above buildings in my
Window's pained frame.
I gaze
Too much for a busy man
So I clear calendars
Break dates, disappoint friends
So I might stare
At drifting tufts snaking,
Ebbing, flowing and slowly
Drifting into nothing.
Where does smoke go,
As it's substance blows
Away in the wind?
To new days, years away?
To abysses deep
And drawn in the palms
Of young boy's hands,
Particular in the flow
Of that ignoble show -
Boys drowning by
Midnight swims -
Singing cold hallelujah
Between desperate wet breaths;
Lifelines lost to lifetimes;
At least drowning
Men understand
Smoke doesn't fade,
It just swims in that
River we all wade;
Knee to lung deep
Full of shame.

I need to quit listening to so much Jeff Buckley when I'm trying to sleep.
I don't sleep.

Monday, January 2, 2012

It Gets Better (It gets worse)

It gets better.
It gets worse.
I'm straddling canyons.
I can't hope to traverse.
One foot in hope
The other in glory
If I was the antagonist
You were the lesson
To this somber story.
Chasms chase the sky
Rivers cut through stone
The topography of souls
The litany of oaths carved
Into the world's bones
Grows brittle, basalt to sandstone.
We become what we love,
The ravine below
The sky above
The tumbling roots of ranges
Worn by the millennial rains.
Tell me, if plains sit where
Once laid vast seas,
If mountains are made pastures
And lakes are carved from glaciers
The geography of a soul can change.
Day by day, I'm ground away
Between the mortar of memory
And the pestle of reality.
Some things broken
Can never be fixed.
Volcanic calderas, eternal flames -
The sea side's crumbling cliffs.
Some day I will be dust,
Just blowing in the wind.