Friday, December 23, 2011

I Am [.]

I am. Sad. For the memories. I have.

Of you. Even though I know. It was bad.

I still loved you. More than I ever had.

More than anyone I have.

But you're not mine. I'm not yours.

Though I know. Like seasons come. They go.

Ours is gone. Like Indian spring. Far too short.

Your summer was cruel. Your spring fallow. Untrue.

But your winter was beautiful.

I see angels in the snow. I miss you.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Primal Primacy (The pattern of firsts)

My lovers lips cleft in That satisfied sigh,
Like the gentle moan of enlightened winds.
The ancient yogis brave ancient mountains,
To perch upon mystic peaks, where such
Primal primacy speaks through pristine sky.

The savage cabal, the lonely heart's spy
Lurks in the phantoms of windowpanes,
The frost of cherub's smiling into fountains.
The dirge of wind keening through towers makes
Skeleton steps of the tree branches glassy rime.

Dawn is harsh to hands bound by turning time,
Which takes too eager glimpses between rooftops
And their gray peaked, pauper prince countenance.
Her mourned for absence will be beautiful in triangular ways -
It's inevitable, pattern of firsts; A kiss, A sigh, A goodbye.

(It's killing me I can't figure out how to make the last line one syllable shorter. No more love poetry about women and math at the same time.)

Monday, December 12, 2011

Lady Bug In My Loft (Strange friends)

Ladybug in my loft,
December snows settle in
And you're a fugitive -
An old crone or child
Born in unfortunate seasons.
Crawl around my counter
Between towels and tea candles-
There's nothing here for you,
And my windows have been
Sealed shut for weeks -
How long have you been hiding
Among the folds of my linens
And listening to the songs
Of my loss and lost longing?
I suppose, we're not so unalike
Children of misplaced generations
Wandering in our un-reason.
But you remind me of pretty
Hipster girls in polka dots
Drinking cheap beers and
Dancing to The Dresden Dolls.
Places I should be,
Down stalking the ghetto's streets,
Because there's nothing here for
You, or for me.
Let's wait out the winter here,
Together - see if we can make
Good roomates through New Years.
We'll sip champagne together,
Listen to the pistol pops
Play out through the valleys
Of the city's taller buildings.
If by spring, you're still here,
Well, I'll crack my windows
And let the new born air in,
Leave the wintery season behind
And depart as strange friends.

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Ex-lovers (Disconnected through social media)

Fond friends,
Sitting alone,
Typing away -
Leaving links
And status updates.
Late night,
Both still awake.
I wonder.
What walls,
What wrongs
Rose up between them,
To one night be
Laying in loving arms
And now to be unaware
Of the others written words.
I know he wonders,
In the bedrock
Of his quaking mind
Where she is tonight.
And I know she
Ponders in the glades
Of her willowy thought;
If he might be online.
They say, the hardest
Part of loss is knowing
What's gone goes on.
Without you, your love;
The humble truth,
We're just screens,
Flckering walls that
Still flciker when the
Power of our connections
Are cut off.
We just flicker,
For something else.
Fond friends,
Sitting alone,
Flickering away.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Cut The Noose (Suffer for sinners, not self proclaimed saints).

Cut the noose,
The gallows give.
How many months
Have you been
Strung up like this?
Two souls, one love
The other unknown -
Lust or affection,
But something further
From True North,
The magnetic pull of
Faith's direction.
Martyr, Sinner -
Hangmen are never
Victims in innocence,
But I've paid my penance;
It was always mine,
But I can't hang
For your crimes too.
Not when you won't
Admit the truth.
Two souls burden,
More than a man can bear;
But you know,
I would die for you.
To this day,
As the rope unfurls
And my body is taken
Wrapped in bandit
Shrouds, dirty, drab, gray.
If I had two lives,
One, it would be yours,
I know you don't
Believe me, that's ok.
I'm a liar, thief and
Fool and ashamed,
But not of this.
The crimes locked
In your indifferent lips,
My execution kiss.
Cut me down,
Over and over,
With inciting,
Hurtful words.
I would hang,
For your sins,
But not the
Paltry whims
Of a self

Monday, December 5, 2011

You Are The Ghost (You are not alone)

You are the ghost
In the machine,
My sanskrit muse -
Dead languages
We used to know to speak,
Whose cryptic
Presence has me typing
Out long forgotten epitaphs -
Poems, prose all my pretty
Bloody, weeping words;
Fingers dance more these
Days with black keys than
Strands of hair or lovers ears -
All the pretty girls,
I caught and consumed
Trying to chase away
The memories and taste of you.
Well they still call
Unaware that this is the winter
And they were summer and fall.
Because hearts have roots and
They burrow deep,
The crown of leaves may change
But those tendrils still seek
Nourishment in the deep
Of once fertile ground
Even when days grow short
And the woodlands bleak.
So quiet now, listen to the wind
The ghost that howls,
Heralding great storms that
Rip oak and willow from earth,
Cast into the sky,
That once lovely voice within
With beauty that once wove
Gossamer through summery dreams
Become the shriek
Of forlorn medians and tundra,
The great white waste
Of lush lands, everything dies,
Kings, kingdoms, language and lust -
Everything risen up in fury
Is laid to rest in peace and solemnity.
The phantoms that cling,
Haunting bone, soul and memory
The angels and demons that seep
Out of haunted fingers onto
Computer screens,
Hoping others wandering
In this vast and great obscurity
Understand words written
In arcane emotions,
The story of roots, ghosts
Wind and bone.
Poems scratched into fallen trunks
Half buried in fresh fallen snow -
Sign posts to find your way home,
Whomever that may be,
Even as you're lost in the cold
Know that though you may be fallen
Just beneath your feet
Are all the humbled trees toppled
By once warm spirits in the biting breeze-
Everyone who ever dared to venture out
From blinking screens and glowing hearth
Has lost more than they could have known -
You aren't alone.

Let's Just Buy A House (But baby)

She begs me, baby, eyes all brown and heavy-
Let's just buy a house, settle down,
We'll slip into a new life without
All of this pain, without the city lights.
Everything, everything can be all right.

That would be beautiful
If it were true,
But the sea, it caresses the sand
And baby, my calloused hands
Were never meant for you.
I know you love me dearly,
But baby, I just don't want you.

Oh I know, how you could think this is love
Because when I hold you down,
Hand pushing back that auburn mane
It feels like the angels are lifting us up.
But baby, the angels, they don't give a fuck about us.

Life, girl, it's not a pretty thing,
Not like you,
But flowers, they reach up toward the sun
And we both know I'm not the one.
All you ever wanted was a simple thing,
But I'm a puzzle, baby, we both know
If you solved me, you'd find nothing.
Nothing, nothing, nothing. . .